Unser Schnittstellen-Provider Salt Edge bietet ein eigenes Dashboard an, um Bankverbindungen zu aktualisieren
Im Salt Edge Dashboard https://www.saltedge.com/dashboard/sign_in kannst Du Deine Bankverbindung aktualisieren.
Beim ersten Erstellen einer Synchronisationsverbindung in Tidely über Salt Edge erhältst Du von support@saltedge.com eine E-Mail, in der Du aufgefordert wirst, Dir ein Passwort zu geben. Diese sieht ungefähr so aus:
Hello there,
Your Dashboard account has been created by Tidely with the following information:
Email: Deine E-Mail-Adresse
To be able to access your account later, use the provided email and set your own password by clicking the button below:
"Set password"
The password setting is valid only for the next 6 hours. If already expired, you can always ask for a new one with your registered email here.
For more information, you can read our Dashboard Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
If you require further assistance or have questions regarding the Dashboard functionality, please contact us at support@saltedge.com.
Best regards,
Salt Edge Team https://www.saltedge.com/dashboard/